Who Are You Listening To?
When I hear that word obedience it reminds me of grade school and hearing the nuns repeat it over and over. “Be obedient! Listen to your parents! Follow instructions! Don’t misbehave!”
Hearing that word left me with a feeling of having someone always hovering over me. It made me feel I had to answer to an authority figure. Many of us don’t like to feel that way. It’s different as adults and there’s usually fewer people we have to answer to BUT there’s always the One no matter how old we are. The One we must obey is the Lord.
Jesus says in John 14:15: “If you love me, keep my commands.”
Are we following Christ’s commands? Are we following His example? Who are we listening to? Are we listening to the voice in our head that tells us to do whatever we want to do even when we know it’s not what we should be doing? Are we allowing our friends to influence our actions? Are we allowing our family to influence our behavior? Are we allowing worldly values to influence the choices we make?
Christ set the standard for us. Obeying the Lord isn’t easy because we want to do what we like to do but He’s the only one who will ultimately judge our actions and our acts of disobedience so it’s important we listen to His Word instead of following our selfish desires and listening to everyone around us.