

I often hear football coaches say they have to self-scout, figure out what’s working, what isn’t, focus on areas they can improve the team, how they can get the best of their players.

            We need to do the same spiritually. We need to do some self-scouting.

            It’s important to examine our values, our priorities and figure out where we are not including God, where we are keeping Him on the sideline, where we are not following His word and not seeking His counsel. See, those areas where we shut Him out, where we don’t include Him, where we don’t want Him messing with us because we like our way better, those are the areas in our lives that will cause us the most grief. So, we have to involve Him in everything. Trust Him fully, surrender entirely. And let Him lead.

            Proverbs 3:5-6 says: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your paths straight.”

            Putting our full trust in the Lord is much easier to say than actually put into practice because we do lean often on our understanding, on our own ideas, on what we want but not what God wants for us. But God knows what’s better for us than we do so it’s best for us to trust Him completely in every choice we make, every decision we have. We can’t cherry-pick when we want to follow God’s instructions or listen to His Word.

            In this verse, King Solomon warns us not to think we are too smart for our own good and definitely not to think we are smarter than the Lord. If we trust in Him fully, bring everything to Him, include Him in every area, every aspect of our live, go to Him in prayer, lean on the Bible _ HIS Word _ as our guide instead of leaning on our own thoughts and biases and selfish desires, He will direct our path, show us the way, lead us in the right direction.

            Philadelphia Eagles tight end Josh Perkins shares why Proverbs 3:5-6 is a significant verse for him in our latest episode.

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