
Hit the Reset Button

           In this age of incredible technology, sometimes the most simple thing we can do when our computers are malfunctioning or our phones aren’t working properly is to hit the reset button. Then everything works again.

            I feel in our lives there are times when we need to hit the reset button and remind ourselves that if things aren’t going right, if it seems we’re falling apart in different areas, let’s take a step back, find some quiet time, connect with the Lord, focus on Him and reset in that moment.

            I know at times I can get so caught up in the busyness of my life that I need to remember to make sure I take time out to focus on the Lord, focus on my walk with Him, examine what I’m doing and ask myself how am I serving, how am I glorifying Him. I have to reset my priorities, reset my prayer life, reset my time in the word. I call this a soft reset.

            But sometimes resetting can be painful similar to going to a doctor with a broken nose. Depending on the situation, sometimes they have to break it again to reset it.  Ouch! That can hurt. That’s a hard reset.

            A hard reset might force us to rid ourselves of certain things that are causing us pain. Maybe it’s bad habits, old patterns of behavior or a few relationships that are toxic. When our computers are infected with a virus, we have to delete the old programs. When our lives become infected with a virus, we need to eliminate the root of the problem.

            Do you need a soft reset or a hard reset? Don’t be afraid to hit that button.

            We discuss this topic and more in our latest episode featuring Christian musician Brandon Heath.


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Brandon Heath