

Are you searching for God’s call, wondering if he has a mission for you?

Maybe you heard him knocking and you are hesitant to answer?

First and foremost, God calls us into a relationship with Him. We’re not called to some THING. We are called to some ONE. Our first call is to glorify His name and reflect Christ’s love in everything we say and do. That doesn’t require us to quit our jobs, go on missionary trips or begin a career in professional ministry. Answering the call to glorify the Lord is a daily activity in our homes, at work, wherever we go.

Our secondary call is to action. It’s the work we are appointed by God to do. We may be reluctant when we hear God’s call because we’re too comfortable living our lives or we’re unsure how to accomplish the task. But God is persistent. He will keep calling and calling until we answer Him because part of His plan is to put His work in the hands of those who are called to serve the Kingdom. And God doesn’t just call us, leave a voice mail and disappear. He gives us detailed instruction. Just look at Jeremiah and other examples in the Bible.

So when you hear that call, don’t be scared. Answer it. God’s plan is better than our plan. Always. - Rob Maaddi

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