American Ninja Warrior Maggi Thorne and the guys talk about not allowing our past define us.
In Episode 19, American Ninja Warrior Maggi Thorne shares her compelling testimony and Pastor Bruce Sofia joins the guys to continue their conversation about pre-marital sex, promiscuity and the "wandering eye."

About Maggi...
Maggi is an American Ninja Warrior 3X Competitor and NBC Spartan Ultimate Team Challenge 2X Competitor, and previously Mrs. International 2014 and spokesperson for the International charity Soles4Souls . In 2017 She was named a Complete Nutrition National Athlete and Spornado Ambassador.
Maggi travels around the world in an effort to further the mission of wearing out poverty, speaking to hundreds of thousands on inspiration and never giving up in addition to engaging volunteers globally. Originally from San Diego, CA, Maggi moved to Nebraska in 2002 after being nationally recruited as the California 100 hurdle state champion to attend the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and compete for the Husker Track and Field Team. Maggi's success continued in Nebraska as a Husker competing in two National Championships and earning a school record. After college she joined the Husker Athletic staff and she has designed, built and managed over $340 million in athletic facilities in addition to being the media spokesperson for these projects. Her projects attracted national attention, even prompting visits by professional teams like the Chicago Bulls and Philadelphia Eagles. Maggi also had oversight of all sustainability efforts and has brought the Husker recycling efforts to national prominence. Currently she is the Executive Director of Branding & PR for the global company SHOLDIT.
She is a single Mom of 3 amazing children , Charlie, Fiona and Ellie. They pursue everyday with 100% effort to help others across the globe as a family by striving to be selfless and serve others that are put into their life.
Maggi has been a global traveler since she was a teenager and is committed to using her unique and impressive combination of talents as an International Spokesperson for Soles4Souls to bring hope across the globe through the simple act of providing shoes to those in need. The tragedy she has faced in her life from losing two loved ones has motivated her to help others believe anything is possible in their life , to Never Give Up and RISE UP!
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